Inner Critic Intervention

4 Months of Targeted Coaching to Transform How You Talk to Yourself

What Is The Inner Critic?

We all have one. In truth, we have many critics inside of us. These parts are necessary for self-feedback.
It's that voice that makes observations and stands in judgment of everything we do. It always has an opinion--usually negative.
It can be vicious and beat us up, if we let it. We get to teach our inner critic to share her ideas in an honoring, nurturing way.

How We Intervene Together

Group Training and Facilitation

(Group Coaching)

Learn the powerful modality Internal Family Systems for Self-Leadership. The community dimension of these sessions gives you a unique opportunity to regularly talk about your inner work. We'll meet weekly over Zoom for about 75 mins.; total of 16 sessions.

Inner Critic Coaching

(Private Coaching)

In these 1-on-1 sessions, get ready to go deep and facilitate some real change! We'll come up with the specific goals and action steps you need. Learn how to work with your parts so that you can eventually do this work on your own. Four monthly 60-min. sessions are included.

Personal Follow-Through System


Change is not easy, especially on the soul level! That's why I've created a system using Google docs to easily report on your progress with your action steps. I'll be checking in about what you're working on. Tweaking things between sessions lets you progress much faster!

Who This Is For

  • Women feeling the call to transform their self-talk
  • Isolated moms needing support & community
  • Working moms looking to create internal safety & balance

Why This Helps So Much!

About 10 years ago, my marriage was in the toilet. I just couldn't connect with my husband, no matter how much I longed to. I prayed every day, learned "communication skills" from counselors and read relationship books, but nothing seemed to work. What's more, I was highly critical of my children and yelled at them far too often. I felt isolated and alone, even in the midst of my loving family. Thoughts like "Maybe they'd be better off without me" haunted me. Even though I didn't really believe it, those inner voices were quite convincing.

Starting my personal development journey led me to a powerful realization: When my self-talk was negative, my outer communication was too. That awareness led me to seek out tools to change my self-talk. As I shifted it, I began to love myself in a way I never had before. And the most powerful of these tools, for me, was IFS--Internal Family Systems, a therapeutic modality that I apply to life coaching. It's truly revolutionary!

Becoming self-aware and loving myself on a soul level led me to choose to end my marriage and show up for my kids as the best mom I can be. Working on your relationship with yourself is what helps you make the very best decisions for YOU. When the truest part of yourself is allowed to take the lead, you can show up joyfully and authentically in every part of your life! Self-knowledge, self-leadership, and self-love go beautifully hand-in-hand.

I wouldn't trade what I've learned for anything, because through it, I've gained the privilege of being ME! I'm passionate about helping you step into your own true self. I've simplified some advanced concepts for you, through this program, so that you can experience real and lasting change. And you will have a community to love and support you throughout the process! This aspect is so important--we really need connection with other women.

Can't wait to connect with you!

Secrets of Inner Critic Intervention:

  • You are multiple – your psyche consists of many parts.
  • Going through, not around, the negative leads you to create authentic change.
  • ALL your results hinge on the quality of your self-talk! 

Bonnie Roberts Roberts

Shayoli Hope Collaborator

The Self-Talk Sherpa--Life Coach for Divorced Women

Rocking being a mom of four

Program Pricing

  • Inner Critic Intervention-Bonnie Roberts-Shayoli
  • 2 payments of

    $550 USD

    per month

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  • Inner Critic Intervention - Shayoli Hope Pricing

    $997 USD


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  • Inner Critic Intervention - Full Price

    $7149 USD


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