Three Things  Coaches
 To Make the Impact They Dream About

More Than Your Quickie Coaching Certification
God-Centered Foundations, Mentoring, and Personal Experience

Healers Academy Certification Level 1 Training

Healing, Certification, and Mastery

Number One:
What Makes You a
Perfect Fit For Shayoli Hope
Healers Academy Level 1:

  • You want more than a cookie cutter experience
  • You are God-Centered and want to build on that connection
  • You have a desire to serve and help people find healing
  • You want real content, not just hype
  • You learn in many different ways at your own pace during this first level
  • You are ready to learn foundations that you will use in every client session
  • You have been helping people and might even have a modality or two in your pocket but want to learn, do, and facilitate even more

The Benefits To
Coaches and Healers
Who Certify With Shayoli Hope

  • Opportunity to be on the team at our events (processing attendees)
  • Step by step plan for client sessions and lots of practice before graduation
  • God-Centered curriculum 
  • Chance for Shayoli Hope to promote you and your services
  • Practice as well as knowledge
  • Mentorship in levels Two and Three

Number Two:
Healers Academy Level 1 -
Personal Experience is Important

  • The reason you want to be a coach is to help people
  • Your life experience has taught you valuable lessons
  • You have a desire to serve and help people find healing
  • You might get triggered of overwhelmed by someone else's "stuff"
  • You might know just enough about how to help to actually not be helpful
  • You don't want to traumatize anyone
  • You might actually be in your own way in being able to level up

 "Life is a quest for truth, to get to the truth  we need to find the fear in our life. I am still working on that as I do my work. I can invite friends and people around me to do their work too."


 "I feel powerful now. Seeing what this course did for me, I am so enthused about what God did for me and how I can move forward."


"I've been coaching for a while, but it's been amazing to have the organization of tools and to be able to have so many more tools in my toolbox. It has given me courage and confidence and compassion with myself. I have always had compassion for others, but my compassion for myself has definitely grown this year." ~Mary

Number Three:
Healers Academy Level 1 -
Mentorship and Group Support

  • Being a coach can be fulfilling but also lonely
  • Who can you trust to talk to when you are supporting others?
  • Build a network of colleagues who "get it"
  • Learn skills to shield yourself from taking on other's pain and emotions
  • Support and encouragement to build and grow your business

The Creative Path To Mastery:
Tera's Story and Why This Certification Program Exists

One day after 16 years of marriage, my safe little world was shattered. After a couple of long years of therapy and healing, I was at a party one night and a friend showed me a flyer about an upcoming coaching certification course  and I was immediately sold!

"You want to be a life coach?" my friends and family asked me. "What makes you think you can do that?"  I didn't really know what made me think that was possible, but I DID believe it. And so I bravely enrolled in the class, and boy were my eyes opened!

I loved the curriculum, the opportunities to  "practice" on fellow classmates, and then start seeing clients on my own too. I soaked up everything. I loved reading the books, weekly meetings to learn more, and the chance to do more of my healing along the way.

That is an important thing I learned.

You can't help someone heal to a point past where you are in your own healing.  

It doesn't work that way, because your body and spirit don't know what that feels like yet, so you really can't guide someone there.

That is why from the foundations in Level One to the mastery in Level Three, this certification program is different from others. A chance to do the processes on your own, to know what they feel like for you to do them helps you have empathy as your clients face their own processes.

Since my own program I have taken many more trainings and also learned and created more processes. In me was born a desire to teach and train new coaches from a trauma-informed space.

The Shayoli Hope certification program has three levels, all specifically designed to compliment each other with your healing in mind. The other really important thing at Shayoli Hope is a God-Centered curriculum. Christ is The Healer. He is the one we can go to for healing. As coaches and healers, we are here to facilitate, ask questions, and help our clients get the results they are looking for.

Come along on the journey with us.

 "Tera taught me courage to keep going!"

 "Everyone's story is different, we are all a piece of a puzzle that fits and belongs. I can't wait to see what everyone does from here."

 "One of the biggest things I have gained this year is to learn to listen to and trust my intuition. I have also loved that this has been a Christ centered education. For me that was so important."

"Courage is being aware of your fears and what you are afraid of. I have learned to step into my fears as a new coach.


Features of This Program:

Level One Includes:

  • Welcome box sent to you with books to read, and a binder for all your course materials
  • Required reading and book reports due
  • Quizzes and reflection questions for each section to check for understanding
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Two months of group sessions with others in level 1
  • Bonus Lessons including processes to do with clients

That Means:

This is more than a two or three day "certification" where you learn a bunch of things but don't know how to apply them. You are not alone ! Tera is
 here to guide you and make sure you are ready
to start level 2.

You will learn how to speak to clients about the subjects presented and even learn a process or two along the way that you can use with your own clients! 


Level Two Includes:

  • 6 months of weekly group coaching sessions with Level 2 group
  • Two private sessions with Tera to focus on your needs and learning
  • Six required books (sent to you) and book reports about each one that you will prepare
  • 15 "practice" sessions with buddies from the class to sharpen your skills

That Means:

As a Level Two Shayoli Hope coach, you will be ready to move into seeing clients and after level two will feel confident to do that and even charge for those sessions!

We will review and prepare as we go to add to your toolbelt. You will also have a network of other coaches who you can collaborate with or consult and create with too!


Level Three Includes:

  • 6 months of weekly group coaching sessions with Level Three group
  • Three private sessions with Tera to focus on your needs and learning style
  • Four additional required books (sent to you) and book reports about each one that you will prepare
  • 25 paid sessions with clients of your choice 
  • Living library of videos and supporting activities to remind you about what you learned
  • Opportunities  to create and execute a 2 hour training of your own on our platform
  • Chance to be a coach on the inside with Shayoli Hope

That Means:

As a Shayoli Hope Certified Coach, you will be ready to move into seeing clients, teaching your own workshops, and facilitating at events too. As a fully certified coach you will have confidence to support people in their journey to healing.

You will also have so much information you can refer back to as a coach in your own practice. You will have a network of other coaches who you can collaborate with or consult and create with too!


 "These classes came about as I asked God is there more for me?  They have given me tools to have strength, ask questions, and truly know myself.  My vision today is to guide people to their stories, to find a new core belief, and learn to talk to God in an every day simple way."

 "I learned to ask questions, and to realize that how someone feels is their truth but it might not be the truth. I can start to work from that space with them."


 "I want to do group coaching programs, so this was a great experience for me to do one. I got to see how participants supported each other just as much as Tera supported us.
You showed me how to create a container of safety having seen the healing that came from that." 

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Q. I have been coaching for a while, do I really need this program?
  • A. Whether you are a coach who has been at it a while, or this will be all new information, we believe there is something here for every coach or healer. 

  • Q. Why are the Level 2 and 3 sessions so long?
  • A. We have carefully created space for learning, and practicing of new skills and ethics. Each section is six months long to have weekly meetings with your fellow students as well as Tera and sometimes Bronwen too. Together we will review, practice, and process as we learn.

  • Q. Why are there book reports?
  • A. The required books compliment the section lessons and give a chance for deeper understanding. We hope the book reports become a quick reference for you to remember what you took away from each of them.