Business is a Game
Here Are Your Cheat Codes
to Unlock Ideal Client Clarity

Welcome to
Clarity Cheat Codes!

Business is a Game.
I'm glad you're here, because it's your turn to UNLOCK Ideal Client Clarity
PLUS! Clarity About the Energy of Your Voice, What People Will Pay You For, and How You Best Get to Work!

PLUS! BONUS! I have a tracking system tutorial for you when you finish the course. (You'll be so happy!)

Inside this course are your Cheat Codes for getting clarity who your ideal client is, and how to reach them through your business.  

Let's think of this experience as "Gamified" in that there are Levels and you CAN'T SKIP Steps!  

Ya just gotta fill up the "experience bubbles" for each level before you move on to the next.

So, before you move onto Level 2, 3, and 4, you MUST master Level 1.  

Contained herein are the Cheat Codes for making this sooooo much easier.  

I OFTEN get told that the targeting lesson in this level ALONE is worth more than the $15,000-$25,000 in coaching that people have paid before they find me.  

Yeah. That's a big deal.

Take it super seriously so you're not spinning in the crazy gray-pool of lack of clarity while you're trying to create your courses and coaching offers.

My friend, when you possess the clarity cheat codes, your coaching and/or healing business journey accelerates.

Suddenly you have a level of confidence that you used to DREAM OF, and everything starts falling neatly into place as you create your offers, nurturing sequences, and even working with clients!

Why? Because you'll be speaking to, and preparing for the person that's READY.

Which means you'll be preparing for the person who is EASY. (Because of their readiness timeline. More on that inside.)

What People Tell Me

"1 Hour of this is worth the $15-$25,000 I've already paid for coaching!"

I hear this all the time!

This is the missing piece that most business coaches are leaving out, or saving only for their highest ticket clients.

Can you believe that?! It's crazy. This is the most important part!

You may be just like thousands of other coaches wanting to create a SIX-FIGURE-BRAND...

...But stuck in hobby-mode because you don't know these important, yet super simple secrets to knowing who (and WHEN) you are attracting to your high ticket offer.

I was there. I did it too.

It's kindof a rite of passage for coaches and healers, I think.

If you want a want to create a SIX-FIGURE-BRAND then a few things need to change. One of those things is knowing who you're attracting so you're not just working one-off sessions with whoever is willing to pay you a little.

You're time, energy, expertise, and advice are worth WAY more than $97/hour. (Or were you accepting even less?)

Knowing your ideal client and speaking to them in your marketing, sales pages, and from stage is the key to changing that story.

You're worth it. It's reasonable. And there are people in this world - your ideal clients - who seek out coaching and purchase it because they value the 12 month experience with you so they can make the progress they want to make.

Own it!

There is an Easier Way to
Get to Ideal Client Clarity
And I'm Giving You
The Cheat Codes!

  • Clarity Cheat Codes - 6 Month Access
  • $47 USD

    6 Month Access - Dialed in Client & Business Clarity For Coaches and Healers

    Grab It Now!
  • Clarity Skill-Builder Level 1 (Funnel Savvy System)
  • Confident Ideal Client Clarity
  • Confident Targeting Clarity
  • YOU Clarity: Your Money-Maker Trio Energy (Human Design)
  • Do the Assignments and Bronwen WILL See You & Give Feedback